Well, here I am, sailing again! This time it's onboard my own webpage! Never thought this would happen.
Here's a bit about me. I'm an older faht (I can't believe that I made it this far, had I known I was going to live this long I would have taken......oh, you've heard that one,...nevah mind). So, I'm a scientist by training and inclination and I worked primarily at small companies doing scientific R&D for 40 years before retiring. During that time, I wrote many a proposal, reports, journal articles and patent disclosures. After I retired, all that writing stahted me to thinking that maybe I could translate that experience into doing popular writing. Well, it's a big leap from scientific writing to popular narrative writing as my first book "Circadian Rhythm" can attest. Since finishing that memoir of our early sailing days, I moved on to other stories, mostly novels. My penchant for history and sea stories has led to a series of books that intertwine those two themes. I hope you enjoy my writings and drop me a line if you have any suggestions, comments at scomo1947@yahoo.com
https://www.amazon.com/Up-Road...Felony Flats is a small town in Texas located on Galveston Bay that officially goes by the name San Leon. It’s an interesting, colorful place with a curious history and a great seafood restaurant called the Top Water Grill. Up the road a piece from Felony Flats is another town named League City where my daughter Julie chose to reside providing my family's introduction to the great state of Texas. This book re-counts a twelve-year period when we bounced back and forth between summers in Oregon and winters in Texas and includes a large cast of characters and friends that contributed to many, many adventures during that time.
Available on Kindle